WE BELIEVE IN GOD THE FATHER, creator of the heavens and the earth and all living things, all powerful, all knowing and sovereign ruler of all. (Gen. 1:1, Isa. 40:26-28, Col. 1:16, Rev. 19:6)

WE BELIEVE THAT THIS ONE TRUE GOD IN TRIUNE, eternally three co-equal parts, God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. (Psa. 51:11, Mat. 28:19, Luk. 3:22, Joh. 14:26, Eph. 4:6, 2 Cor. 13:14, Heb. 1:1-2)

WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST IS GOD INCARNATE, fully God and fully man; that He was conceived and born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and offered Himself as a substitutionary sacrifice for sinners. By His blood shed at the cross, He obtained for us eternal redemption, the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting. He was raised bodily on the third day and ascended to the right hand of the Father, there to make intercession for the saints forever. (Mt. 1:18–25, Jn. 1:1–18, Rom. 8:34, 1 Cor. 15:1–28, 2 Cor. 5:21, Gal. 3:10–14, Eph. 1:7, Phil. 2:6–11, Col. 1:15–23, Heb. 7:25, 9:13–15, 10:19, 1 Pet. 2:21–25, 1 Jn. 2:1–2)


WE BELIEVE THAT ONLY THE SIXTY-SIX BOOKS OF THE BIBLE ARE INSPIRED, and therefore, is the inerrant Word of God. The Bible is the final authority for all we believe and how we are to live. (Mt. 5:18, Jn.10:35, 17:17, 2 Tim. 3:16–17, 2 Pet. 1:20–21)