Our goal is to bring honor and glory to God our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ through night and day worship and prayer here in Traverse City, Michigan.
Our desire is to cultivate an atmosphere of worship and prayer that will encourage Christians from many denominations and backgrounds to come together in unity and seek the Lord. We will join together and with one voice give Him glory and seek His heart for our lives, our region and ultimately the whole earth.
“That you with one mind and one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Pray, then, in this way: Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.”
Our ministry is patterned after the biblical model of the Tabernacle of David as found in 1 Chronicles 16. King David commissioned priests and Levites to minister to the Lord constantly – day and night – in teams of musicians, singers and intercessors. Most of the book of Psalms in the bible, record the songs and prayers of David and others commissioned by David in their ministry to the Lord at that time.
Know that you are welcome. You can sit anywhere you like and feel free to sit, stand, or kneel. Some people raise their hand, others read their bibles, while others pray quietly. Feel free to come and go at any time when we are open. It is not necessary to arrive or depart at the transition times. The only rules we have is that you are sensitive to not disturb others in the prayer room, and no food or drink, other than water, is allowed in the prayer room.