In the book of Zechariah, God uses this prophet to stir the people into finishing the construction of the temple that had been laying dormant for 16 years. We began this ministry here at the Grand Traverse House of Prayer 13 years ago, and our “temple” has been in need of some repairs and updates for a very long time. We believe that it is time to complete these projects!

We currently need to raise a little over $16,000 to cover the work that has already been done to give the building a total facelift, as well as things like re-paving our parking lot and getting some new signage! Eventually we will also need to replace our roof on the building, which will cost significantly more.

Please pray about partnering with us by sowing into the Zechariah Project! Any size donation will help fund the “completion of our temple” to continue to advance the Kingdom of Heaven in Traverse City, Michigan. Thank you for your partnership with us!

If you would prefer to donate by check, please make checks out to “GTHOP”, write “Zechariah Project” in the memo line, and mail to:

Grand Traverse House of Prayer
PO Box 5051
Traverse City, MI 49696


Here are some progress photos of this project as it is progressing!